Likes: Being helpful to others, Sing, and everythingĭislikes:His Dad (Noted not irl), Zeke's punsīackstory: Long time ago there was a home of place called 'Lietha town' Jasper was good pup was have kind personality but his father look at Jasper and sees him as profit to a club and his mother protects him but she was very ill she had cancer and Jasper was abused by his father and took to club and to do bad things and Jasper was cover in scars and bruises and his father uses Jasper as money maker and Jasper delved Depression and his mother there will be a good day he will be happy and this broken Jasper down and Jasper's dad use some bad thing and Jasper has a being in him struggling to take control. Species:Dream Being & Nightmare being Hybrid
Age: (Physicaly: 20) (Dream age:Beyond before fiction was a thing)